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Friday, December 25, 2009

ikut hati, mati??

salam kemaafan...
pertama sekali munie nak mnx maaf siap2 sebab munie mmg x taw nk cta pasai apa kali ni
munie igt nk test kepantasan menaip ja ni..
sebab munie rasa munie mmg x cekap lgsung menaip..
kadang2 tu rasa cam malu gla bla tgok org len smua lju smcm ja..

ok, back to the tittle
ikot hati, mati?
apa yg ampa semua fhm dgn phrase ney??
munie x brapa fhm sgt lar..
so, x bleyh nak ulas ngan lebeh mendalam pasal phrase nih

jom kita pikiQ maksud  ayat ni 
A dandelion live as a dandelion and a forget-me-not lives as a forget-me-not
A plantain live as a plantain
A plantain that lives on the rough Earth can only grow toughly,
But an oily Earth, it grows in a different style with a deep meaning and sturdiness
No matter what,
I don't lose my identity and continued to live as a plantain
I learn it there,
That I have to be my ownself..

those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

++the best comic i ever had++

p/s : ramai kwn2ku sudah bercerai... takziah kpada mreka..
by the way, life must go on..
let by be gone..
chill =)
every single things in this world have their own reason..

pesanan khidmat masyarakat dari ChannelC :
Iman itu pada Roh,
Amal itu pada Hati,
Islam itu pada Jiwa dan
Ehsan itu pada diri sendiri

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