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Monday, March 5, 2012


Ada kutub utara dan selatan. Apa di tengah-tengahnya?

For me, in between this two poles..there's a part called Laziness State. Atau mengikut bahasanya Fasa Kemalasan___That is Munet's Theory. Ingat Darwin ja ada teori luaq alam?

Pernah tak at a certain time kita rasa sangat-lah bersungguh-sungguh to finish all our assignment or so what ever task we need to do? But at the end, that 'bersungguh-sungguh' spirit slowly disappeared. Or maybe, when that 'bersungguh-sungguh' spirit menjelma, others negative spirits pon muncul. And at the end, we did nothing. All were just left undone. Or no work is done. Bila no work is done, maksudnya no force is exerted. Or in simple word  W= Fd.

Am at that state now!
The state between those two poles.
Or maybe we can said that the N-poles is that 'bersungguh-sungguh' pole and the S-pole is that negative spirit.
That Laziness state from Munet's theory.

Sungguhlah orang kata, merapu tu wujud dalam pelbagai aspek
 - visible and invisible side.

Sambung buat report ya adek Mone. Salamualaik :)

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